SwiftVEE News
Our mission is to reinvent agriculture through technology. With SwiftVEE News we aim to keep you up to date with what we are up to and to provide you with relevant news on all things agri-tech related.
Moenie Sernick Bonsmara se 44ste Produksieveiling mis nie.
Sernick Bonsmara is die beginpunt van die Sernick Groep waardeketting waar beproefde ekonomiese doeltreffendheid die dryfveer van die kudde is.
Be a part of the conversation - use digital marketing
Most farmers in South Africa have a phone, which in turn makes them internet users and internet users have social media. Every business needs digital marketing.
Woody Cape Wildlife - excelling in the production of premium wildlife.
The Woody Cape Wildlife Live Auction takes place on the 2nd of April. You can register for the online auction on www.swiftvee.com. Read more on the auction.
Maak die intelligente keuse op 07 April!
Ons stel Theres Bonsmaras aan almal bekend - hier is die onderhoud wat ons met Dr Kotie gevoer het. Lees die blogplasing hieronder wat jou alles vertel van hul boerdery, hul opkomende Bonsmara veiling, die aanbiedinge en nog baie meer.
CEO Outlook 2022: Why South Africa is Amazing and Agriculture is the Space To Be
There is a skewed negative sentiment towards South Africa. Below is a discussion of the “negativity bias” and why South Africa is amazing and filled with opportunity, particularly in the Agri sector…
Malemba Farming’s passion and love for cattle breeding will shine through at their 24th Production Auction.
The Malemba Farming 24th Production Auction takes place on the 16th of February. You can register for the online auction on www.swiftvee.com. Read more on the auction.